Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Warner Robins!

So- funny story.

Monday was labor day and as a result, most libraries were closed. However, Elder S and I emailed at the family history center. So the zone leaders sent out a text to people telling them if they couldn't email Monday to do it on Wednesday or Tuesday. Elder P (my new companion) didn't email to Monday nor did he have the opportunity to on Tuesday due to transfers. So we're at the library now with the Spanish Elders and it is packed!

Anyway- you're probably extremely curious to see where I am (if you haven't figured it out already by calling the mission office). I am in Warner Robbins 2nd Ward. It's a nice ward and a larger town. It has a large military base and as such, has many military families. My companion is Elder P, he's from Lehi, Utah. He kind of reminds me of Elder W and he's taller than I am. He likes basketball and is pretty cool. Kind of quiet and chill and a little laid back but he's well adjusted to the mission especially considering that he's only been out for 6 weeks. We'll see how things go but I'm excited and determined to make the best of these last few weeks. I'm trying to not tell anyone that I'm going home in 6 weeks- partially because I want it to be a surprise but also because I don't want people not to get to know me because I'm leaving soon. I feel I can make an impact in a short period of time. I just need to have the faith it will happen and do my part.

Tuesday was transfer day and it was much different than I am used to. I'm used to more of the van coming to pick us up and meeting in parking lots throughout the South. This time, everyone drove up to Macon. It was tough to get a ride since we need a way to get my bike up there and most of the ward was unavailable or out of town. President Spikes gave us a ride and Douglas 1st took my bike up there. It was a new experience for only a few as I was 1 of 12 or so companionships that were not transferred last transferred. There was a meeting at 10am for the trainers that was about being a friend and example to new missionaries and really being careful not to pop their balloon so to speak. Then there was lunch (baked potato and salad) and I enjoyed some time with Elder S and Elder W. It was fun. Then the transfer meeting came. I was pretty anxious by this point. He pulled down the screen in the chapel and had a projector with areas and pictures of the missionaries. He would announce and the assistants would advance the slides to make the pictures appear. It was pretty funny as President Cottle has many funny jokes and is just a naturally funny person.

I hope you are all well. =)
Elder Matthew Carlson

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Last Transfer

Well- this is it.

The final transfer.

Looking back, you never really think this day is going to come. But somehow it did. Regardless- I have been working very very hard. Sorry Mom and Dad but probably for the first day or so I might be asleep for a long time.

Anyway- I really don't have much time. We have little time as I am getting transferred. But things are going really good here in Tifton aside from all the packing and cleaning I have to have done by Tuesday morning which I haven't really started on.

The highlight of the week would definitely be last night at the church with the B's. They've been a little nervous about coming to church as they know it's going to be different than what they are used to but they really like us and the things we share. We stopped by the house after biking really, really fast (we saw D and we got talking). We all hopped in his truck and drove to the church. We unlocked the church and D stepped in. He stopped and looked around. All he said was, "Wow." I looked over and saw a tear in his eye. He was just really happy for the rest of the tour. We showed him the church and both he and J really liked it. Bishop stopped by (we had called and set up for him to drop by towards the end). He and D talked for a while about all the people they knew in Tifton but then he got into the good stuff. He asked how Elder S and I were doing teaching the Gospel. D replied that, "These guys are great. We love learning and every time they come over you can just feel the Holy Spirit." Bishop asked what he thought about the gospel. "I've been to a lot of different churches. But it makes sense- there is authority that is needed that was lost and it came back through Joseph Smith." I felt like I was on The District or something. It was amazing! Then J said, "I've got something to say! I went to a lot of churches and I really liked it there but I kind of felt like something was missing. But then these guys came and I feel in my heart this is it." It was just an awesome experience, I really do love them.

We called Bishop later when we got home and he is really excited and hopeful for them. He made the comment, "I think Jaycee would join tonight if it was a matter of asking." Keep in mind he has a thick thick southern accent.

Fun southern fact of the week: they actually call people from the north yankees.

Thank you! LOVE YOU! and I miss you all!

Elder Matthew Carlson
D, J, and Matthew