Monday, July 9, 2012

Pensacola Nights, Like Pensacola Days

Shalom and good evening to you my friends! Welcome to my letter, center of stories and wonder.

Haha, I'll stop now.

Hello to all of you. I didn't get a letter out last week but I here's this weeks (complete with pictures). Before I start, a bit of humor.

This story is from Brother R who was in the airforce for many years. He hold us of one time that he was flying a top priority scramble. He and his copilot hopped in the plane and got in the air. After a few thousand feet he noticed a bee in the cockpit. After mentioning this to the copilot, the copilot explained rather panicky "I'm deathly allergic to bees! If it stings me I'll die!" He wanted to land but Brother R wasn't going to abort a high priority mission for a bumble bee. "Just keep climbing. I won't agitate it." So they kept climbing and once they reached about 45,000 feet. He hit the depressurize cabin button. The bee was hovering right above his face and he said the bee grew bigger and bigger and then popped! It was hilarious.

Things have been good here in Pensacola. Elder B and I are continuing to do our best and find those who want to listen. If I could, I would just serve and teach all the time. But alas, I do other stuff. Like meetings and contacting potential investigators, and tract. We're hanging in there and having some fun as we go.

We were helping the old people play bingo and Elder B had this one lady who was really funny. The employee would call "B 15!". This lady would look at her card and notice she had a ten as well as a five (her column was something like this 3-7-10-5-12). She then asked if she could move the 5 and put it in the 10 to make 15. Elder B laughed and said no. We have some fun stories about the bingo people.

I don't have much longer, so on to pictures!

We were biking across the street when I heard a loud bang behind me. At first I thought it was a car backfiring but I realized it came directly behind me and the only thing directly behind me was Elder B. I rationalized that bikes don't backfire and was confused. I looked back and saw Elder B in the middle of the street, stuck. It turns out his bike had indeed, backfired. One of his gears split in half and his bike locked up. He got off and wheeled it off the street to inspect it. That's when we saw the damage (see the first picture). It's fixed now but it remained like that several days since it was a bike from CTR Bikes. Their customer service is terrible. Elder B gave up and paid for it out of pocket.

Elder G and I (see the second picture) together for almost the last time. He's doing well in Madison and is enjoying his new companion.

We were biking the other day and stopped for a water break and I spied a really cool cloud with the sun coming through. The camera actually did it some justice and I enjoyed the effect (see the third picture).

I never sent any pictures of the naval air museum so here's one of me in an airplane (cockpit)! (see the fourth picture). I'll send the rest of the pictures home on an SD card here pretty soon.

I love and miss you all!
Elder Matthew Carlson