Monday, July 16, 2012

Flying by!

Things are just zooming right on by! It seems as though the weeks are just melting together into a giant blob of missionary work. I'll ask Elder B about "Oh yeah, we saw that person on,...Thursday?" "I think it was on Tuesday" *checks planner* "Oh. It was Wednesday." Anyway, just crazy. I just gotta keep chugging on. =)

But I've been doing pretty decent. It's been a productive week and were trying to do our best. I don't always do everything perfect but hey, I did the best I could do at that time. It was pretty cool. I decided that tracting and our usual approaches to find people weren't working so I decided to ask for a media referral to a family who was ready to hear the Gospel. The next morning we got an HQ referral for someone who wanted a Bible. We stopped by today and they seem pretty interested but we'll talk to her in a few weeks about how her reading in the Book of Mormon is going.

President Jensen has really been encouraging us to become scripture scholars and memorize scriptures. I've memorized 25 scriptures so far! I have all the articles of faith and some of the Book of Mormon scripture masteries. It's kinda cool to be able to whip them out as need.

Sorry I don't have too many pictures. It's been rather rainy and I don't take my camera with me as often. I got drenched one day. It was nice to come home and put on dry clothes. We've been getting fed pretty well by the ward. They've given us groceries if they can't have us over that week which is really nice.

Last week, we went to the thrift store and Elder B got 8 ties. I got one tie. This one (see first picture). It's nice but I didn't notice it was silk. They get ruined in the rain so I don't usually wear them all that often. I really like the CTR Clothing ties. They're very durable, hold up nicely, and, as far as I've been able to tell, are fundamentally indestructible.

It's also been rather hot some of the days this week. One day in particular it was hot and we came in for lunch but neither of us wanted to really move so we sat down for a cold drink. Elder B decided his face could use some cooling off and I took a picture (see second picture).

That's pretty much all I got for this week. Sorry - it wasn't very exciting.

But I miss you all!
Elder Matthew Carlson