Monday, February 18, 2013

The easiest way to prevent the regrets of tomorrow is to follow the Savior today

Well it's transfers once again. Crazy huh? Seems like I just got to Daphne and I was really thinking I would be staying but I guess such is not the case.

This week was pretty amazing and fun. It was also quite busy (of course things are just about to get more busy).

I don't have much time so I'll cover the highlights.

Monday- the big events of the day were going to Mobile to get a banjo. Elder W had been talking about it for months. He even dreamed about it once. So we finally when and got it with the help of T. It took forever but we got it. We ran into several bumps but we got it sorted out. It's a beautiful thing actually. We then went to Fairhope for Mardi Gras. It was quite nice as there were many families there. We hauled in quite the bounty which was awesome!

Tuesday I went on a trade-off with Elder B, our District leader. We had a great time and a very successful day. It was also a very funny day as Elder B is pretty goofy and several of the people we saw were just hilarious. It was all good fun.

Wednesday we got to eat with the T's which was was fun! They're the senior couple and we went to their RV and had a delicious organic meal (they're kinda healthy people- vegetarians and all that). We also had splits with Brother A who is awesome. He's a great guy and he's super funny.

Thursday was the big day! We had weekly planning and went to President H's for dinner (he's the Elder's Quorum president and ward mission leader). He had mentioned in a past meeting that he had always wanted a onesie but his wife never got him one (he's a big joker). We got one on Monday after some searching (turns out an XXL not pink onesie is rather hard to find). It was so funny. He showed us a picture on Sunday of him wearing it that is really funny but he's determined to not let that picture out of his phone so I don't have a copy. I really enjoyed the package of valentine stuff. I even sorted the candy hearts into things I can and can't do on the mission. Elder W and I had a pretty good laugh about that.

Friday we had a great lesson with S and a nice lady named T. She doesn't really have any faith in anything so that's what we've been discussing. Faith is something kind of hard to describe to someone to whom the concept is so foreign. So has no religious background. She's reading the Book of Mormon and finds it quite interesting. =) We watched The Prophet of the Restoration movie with them which they enjoyed.

Saturday we had dinner with the W's. They are hilarious. Sister W is a recent convert and we're still working with Brother W. They're a great family. I really struggled with sickness Saturday night as the cold/fever thing came back and hit me hard.

I was suffering Sunday but church was still good. I enjoyed the speakers as well as seeing everyone. We had dinner with the N's who I just love. They're fantastic.

Sorry I don't have more details as always I don't have much time. I should probably spend less time on We're gathering the elect so it's going to take us some time. It's interesting to see how quickly people can get caught up in worldly cares and pride and how much of a distance that puts between them and the Spirit.

But then again, how can we expect to see His face, if we can never see His hand?

I love you all! Remember I miss you!

-Elder Matthew Carlson

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