Monday, May 28, 2012

From the Portland of the South

After discussion, Elder G and I have decided that Pensacola is actually Portland, but in the south. This is due to the large amounts of crazy people, the proximity to water, crazy squirrels, and strange stores. But it's good. There are some awesome people here. I'm actually writing this on a member's laptop since the library is closed.

But this week has been pretty good. We've been working hard and we helped three people move! That's a lot of people! We had help but I got pretty pooped out. I'm feeling better now (I got a good night's sleep last night) but I was tired this week. Not quite Alma tired but I was getting close. That's really tired. Like fall asleep during dinner tired.

Let me explain about the crazy people comment. Every week I have been here, we have run into some crazy person. I've heard that the church orders hits on people and there are secret tunnels under the temple to the CIA. There is also a ton of people who are very knowledgeable about anti-Mormon stuff. I am sorta glad that there was a binder in Mobile that had all the answers to common anti-Mormon questions. I usually just try to answer their questions (that usually doesn't work), bear my testimony, and then leave.

As for the crazy squirrels, they are very calm around people. You can get pretty close and they don't mind if you don't make much noise. There was one squirrel I saw that would take a few steps and then flop down on the ground. Walk a little ways more and then flop down again spread eagle. It was pretty fun. Squirrels are everywhere here.

I have discovered the joys of Sonic, especially after 8 pm. They have half-price shakes which are very nice. A $3 shake suddenly becomes a little more than a buck! We usually get one after coordination meeting on Wednesday.

Elder G and I are working well together. He's a great guy and a hard worker. We work well together and we've had some good laughs. We're working on teaching together in unity and we're getting there. It's really all about getting a feel for the other's teaching style and getting on the same page and making sure you're headed in the right direction. That's why planning is so important.

We had district training on Saturday. That's where President Jensen and Sister Jensen come and have a little meeting with our district. It was a great meeting and I learned a lot. The focus of the meeting was the Book of Mormon and time usage. I had a nice chat with President. I think he's really happy with me and what I've been doing, so that's cool.

I played floorball today. It's basically just hockey but on the floor. I got really sweaty. The A/C in the gym was broken so it got hot. I was running and passing and it was intense. A member here, Brother J is really the lead behind the floor ball thing. He's from Finland and has been playing hockey for forever. He was whizzing the ball right and left, I only got it from him a few times. He's a pretty good guy.

Two very exciting things happened this week! One, I got a package from Sofie! It had wonderful gifts of candy which was kinda melted (see first picture). I really appreciated it though.

The other exciting thing was that I GOT FREE BAGELS! FREEEEE! I got bagels in Mobile and they were pretty good. But they became moldy a couple days before the expiration date. I wrote the company and they sent me a coupon for free bagels. I was pretty proud of myself (see second picture).

But that's pretty much what's shaking.

I love and miss you all!

-Elder Matthew Carlson

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