Monday, April 30, 2012

Crazy Times

It has been an absolutely crazy week. I did many strange and odd things that I don't usually do. I ate a mudbug, went on a humongous boat, milked a goat, caught tadpoles, and petted a miniature horse. Like I said. Crazy.

But this week was also a good one. We ran full steam this week and met or passed almost all of our weekly goals. We're still struggling to help people get to sacrament meeting and setting BCD's. If we just keep working the way we've been working, I'm sure they'll come.

Like I said, I ate a mudbug. A mudbug looks like this (first picture). We went over to a member's house and they were peeling crawdads. They offered me one and I peeled it and ate it. It tasted quite like shrimp which I don't dislike as much anymore (I'll eat it but I'm still not a huge fan).

I also went to a miniature horse farm in Semmes. Those horses were so tiny! (second picture). [We really like this picture of Matthew]

I milked a goat which was very strange to me (third picture). I had never milked anything before and at first I didn't want to do but, realizing I was missing out on a cool opportunity, I manned up and milked the goat. It was weird, but I did it.

I went to the USS Alabama today and it was huge! I'll include some pictures next week.

I don't have much time but I love and miss you all!

Elder Matthew Carlson

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