Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quick Mobile Update

Hello there!

I don't have a whole lot of time and I already wrote a decent sized letter that should be in Oregon soon. I talk about most things in there.

Fun fact about Mobile: you have to be an Alabama and Auburn fan. You can't be undecided. I was over at the V's the other night and in order to get dessert you had to be an Auburn fan (they're big BYU and Auburn fans). I didn't even know who Alabama and Auburn were until about 3 days ago so I didn't really know a whole lot about either. The dessert in question was homemade ice cream with fudge. It looked really good. Needless to say, I quickly sided with Auburn and ate the delicious iced cream. It was really good.

Elder W got strep throat and we think he gave it to Elder O. I was worried that I was going to get it since I had a runny nose this morning. Elder O handed me a packet of 1000mg vitamin C. He told me to drink it. I did and it was awful. Since vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, your body doesn't absorb that much of it. So I decided to put some protein powder in there to help it stick. That was a bad idea. The whole drink just made me shudder. After a few sips, I realized that I was never going to finish it if I just went by sips. I decided to be a man. I drank it all. I will not be doing so again.

But things in Mobile are looking up. We have a dozen referrals to contact, some investigators with promise, and 17 pages of less actives to see. There's much to do and we're the guys to do it. The Bishop here is really great and is trying to help us out as best he can.

(see Picture #1) This is Sister W. She was the lady that we chopped down trees with in Alma. She was out of town when I left so I didn't get a picture with her. So I talked to Elder H and he sent me a picture of us that he took when he left.

(see Picture #2) This is Elder O with a puppy. The puppy in question is a Beagle/Chihuahua mix. We were at missionary coordination and Brother S just happened to bring his brand new puppy since he didn't want to leave it alone and the meeting was at Brother P's house. I started to pet it and he said "you wanna hold her?" "Yeah!" A few seconds later, I was the proud holder of an 11 week old puppy. I petted it and it enjoyed that but soon I had to focus on the meeting. The puppy became bored and wandered over to Elder O's lap and found attention there. So it stayed and I took a picture.

Thank you so much for the words of encouragement and support, even if I don't write a letter back (sorry). They really do help and make me feel a bit better.

I hope all is going well there in Oregon and Utah and where ever else you may be reading this.

Remember that I miss and love you all,
Elder Matthew Carlson

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