Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hoot! Hoot!

Matthew sent us another wonderful hand written letter. This one was sealed with an owl sticker (hence the title of this post).

It is once again p-day. Crazy, huh? I don't know about you but the weeks are flying by and the days are dragging on. It's coming up on three months since I walked into the security things at the Portland airport.

This week has just been crazy. I think most of the weeks have been crazy. Zone conference and trade-offs just add to the craziness but things have been pretty good. We've had some really good discussions and we have four pretty solid investigators. I'm really proud of all of them. I think I mentioned a few of them in my call. That was fun. It was really good to talk to a little over half of you. [We called President Jensen to ask him to tell Matthew that his grandpa had just passed away and President Jensen told Matthew to call home. Only some of were home by the time Matthew was able to call though.]

Life here is good. My gut says I'll be here in Alma at least one more transfer. When I first came to Alma, I consoled myself with "I'm not going to be here my whole mission". I don't really want to leave. Actually, I lied. I really don't want to leave. But I'll go where I'm needed or where I need to be. I've learned that missionaries go different places because:
  1. Someone is there for them
  2. They have a lesson to learn
  3. A missionary that they need to help or be helped by is there
We were with Sister W helping her clean out some storage. She thought about keeping something but she really wanted to burn it. She finally said, "It just don't feel right if you can't burn it." So we did. We were cleaning out her storage and carrying some heavy doors when we heard from Sister W, "Do you need a husband?" Elder F and I were confused. We looked at each other and I said, "No but I am looking for a wife." She laughed and brought out her husband. It turns out a husband is a funny wooden coat hanger. It's pretty cool. Elder F claimed it.

I saw some really cool cars this week. I saw a nice 1980's Z28 and a restored 1960's Corvette with whitewall tires, white paint, and red accents. They were both beautiful. I may send you a picture of the latter one.

Love you all,
[signed with a picture of himself]

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