Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Giraffe Letter

This is a hand written letter we received from Matthew. It had a giraffe sticker at the top so that seemed like a good title for this post.

Hi family!

Things are going good. I’m probably going to be in Alma a little while yet. Maybe, maybe not. We’ll see. We’ve been doing some good stuff. We haven’t seen a whole ton of success but it’s looking up. We’ve been working hard. We taught 31 lessons this week! That’s less actives and member lessons included, but still.

We’ve been working with a really nice young man named R. He’s been reading and praying. He’s planning on being baptized February 15, 2010! I’m really excited.

Today marks two months in Alma. It’s weird to think I’ve been here for two months now. I know it’ll be weirder in a year.

I can already see the great and dreadful day approaching. Great because I miss ya’ll :-). Dreadful because my mission means a lot to me already. I can’t imagine what it’ll me in 13-21 months. But we’re going shopping soon. So I close my letter.

P.S: I melted a toilet!!! I sprayed a disinfectant on the seat and I came back a few minutes and it was melting! Sort of. It looks really weird now. It has little dots that are really white and if you try to wipe them away they smear. It’s gross!

P.P.S: Thank you for the letters from you all! And the package. I loved the notes in the box and the stuff inside.

Thank you for everything!

Love you and miss you!

(that includes everybody)

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