Well it's been a very interesting transition for me. Interesting in many aspects. Madison is much more rural than the cities like Daphne, Mobile, and Gulf Breeze that I'm used to. A prime example happened this morning when I discovered that the trash bag that I had left outside due to it being rather stinky had been attacked. I guess I was still in the city mindset. Anyway, it's been an interesting transition.
I was struggling a little bit earlier this week- particularly yesterday and the day before. It's getting better but I still don't know anyone or anywhere and it's a very small town. Every street has been tracted in the past few months which makes my default fall-back approach rather not useful. But we've got some good people we're working with and the branch here is actually quite good. The youth are amazing! Most of them are quite active and invite friends to church. One in particular has even had a good friend join the church. She's very nice and is planning on going on a mission soon. =)
This past week has been CRAZY! Elder W and I went into crazy overdrive to get everything done before we left. We both had to pack, clean the apartment, say goodbye, and finish bringing the records in the area book up to date. Monday we had the privilege and opportunity to go and visit Tyler before he left for the MTC. He left Tuesday night for Provo so he was finishing packing. It was a tough thing to say goodbye but he'll do great. His family was pretty sad that he was leaving. His littlest sister came in his room as he was showing us his room and she started crying. "I don't want you to go!" All was well in the end. Plus, I'm going to visit him in 2 years. His plan is to head to Utah when he gets back and go to summer term at the University of Utah so we'll get to see each other again. Maybe we'll do lunch. Speaking of lunch, we went to Five Guys on Monday. It was delicious. We met a less active member who works there who offered to feed us if we came back on Monday.
Tuesday was another crazy day. We had our last district meeting as well as lunch with CM. He took our district out to lunch at a very nice restaurant called Chick n' Sea. They had a very delicious lemon pie. The place was packed though! We rode back to Daphne, stopping along the way to say goodbye. We really wanted to say goodbye to S but he wasn't home. I'm really hoping and praying that things go well with him and that he'll be able to gain a testimony. I miss S. We spent a good portion of the day just packing and packing. I don't know how I fit it all but it seems like I have more and more stuff every time. I even forgot a few things that I will hopefully be getting here soon. We also did a good deep clean and wrote a helpful note to the new elders in Daphne (the reason I got moved was that the Zone Leaders who were in the Mobile Ward needed to be closer to the Stake President who lives in Daphne so it was rather only natural that the Zone Leaders be moved here.) I'm glad to know we left the apartment clean and in good shape.
Wednesday was mostly taken up by transfers. We did a bit of last minute packing and cleaning (mostly on my part) and loaded up the car. We met at the transfer spot at about 11:00 and waited for a few minutes. Soon the cars began to roll in and I said my goodbyes to Elder W. After a prayer we were off to Pensacola. We arrived in Pensacola half an hour early. We milled around and I talked to some old friends I hadn't talk to in a while. Everyone from Elder H, to the C's, to the F's (the C's are headed home in April! Can you believe it?) We then learned that one of the transfer vehicles (that's right- there were two. First time ever) had a blowout. I later learned from Sister Jensen that there were many things that went very wrong with this past transfer. Everything from lost luggage to a sister missionary left at the airport. It's really amazing that it even happened really. The van arrived and I drove from Pensacola to Tallahassee. One of the old cars from Theodore is dying (it's past 50,000 miles) and hence, needs to be taken back to Tallahassee to be liquidated. I had the privilege of driving it and Elder G was kind enough to accompany me. He told me all about Pensacola and some of the good that's happening there. The M family is going to the temple in a month or so here! That was amazing news. I love that family. I got to know Elder G much better (it was a 4 hour drive). I arrived in Tallahassee about 7:00. We did some unloading and I met Elder F who is my new companion. We loaded up our red Toyota Corolla and set off to Madison. We arrived in Madison about 8:15. We went to Harvey's (a southern grocery store chain which is rather over priced) which is really the only grocery store and got groceries. Things like milk and cereal and bread.
Thursday was mostly taken up by weekly planning. I kind of got the gist of the current people we're working with and we made some plans for them. We went out and did some work. We biked around and visited people but mot many people were home. We had dinner at the K's and they had a delicious corn bread/hush puppy type thing. Whatever it was, I enjoyed it.
Friday was a very wet day. We were out on bikes from about noon to 3. During that time it rained quite a bit. I got pretty soaked and Elder F even more so (he didn't have a rain coat for the first half of the journey).
Saturday was another day at work. I can't really think of anything too amazingly significant. I had accepted the fact that I had lost a bag. During transfers, one of my bags disappeared. It contained a pair of glasses, my GPS, and most importantly my companionship journal. I was kinda sad about losing the journal as it was the one absolutely irreplaceable thing. But looking back, I'm grateful I lost the bag as I have been taught much about the value of material things and how little they actually matter. We are required to be willing to sacrifice all worldly things. I'm glad to know that it won't bum me out too much if that should ever happen.
Sunday was an early day as we woke up to make it to the early morning meeting for investigators, less-actives, recent converts, and missionaries in Tallahassee starting at 8:15. It was hosted by one of the members of the Seventy who presided over stake conference. It was a rather good meeting and it really stayed simple and focused on the needs of the people attending. Stake conference started shortly thereafter which was quite good. We biked around and visited many people but not many were home. We had dinner at the B's (the senior couple in Madison) and went home for studies. We did receive a very welcome call that they found my bag! The Zone Leaders came and dropped it by. I was grateful that Heavenly Father answered my prayers and my bag was found. =)
Not many exciting things happened this week. We moved to a new planner and I don't have my records to help my remember. =(
I've learned much this past week. I think I've grown a little bit too. I'm adjusting to Madison. I miss Daphne. A lot but I can tell someday I'm going to enjoy Madison. It's up to me as to how quickly that day comes.
Scripture of the week: Alma 34.
Sorry- no pictures this week. I forgot my card reader. =(
Elder Matthew Carlson
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