As you may have guessed, today is
It's been pretty fun so far. : D
Anyway, this week was a pretty crazy week. We've been working on trying to find more people to teach and have been somewhat successful. We've been going through the old potential investigator forms and visiting people. We've found many people had moved and a couple deceased people. We have found one or two people who are interested so we'll see what comes of that.
I'll just try and go over the coolest events of each day.
Monday was a nice day as it was preparation day and we mostly prepared. I had a ton of popcorn while I was writing my email. The C's have "popcorn Sunday" where they make their own popcorn on the stove and it's really good. Particularly the day after. I ate way too many bowls. In the evening, we all met up at a Fuji Hibachi Sushi place with sister B. I had some wonderful tempura and it came in a bento box. I thought it was just super neat. I will definitely have to explore this "bento box" concept further later on. We read the Book of Mormon with S and that went alright. He's a great guy. He just has to read the Book of Mormon and really know it's true.
Zone Training was on Tuesday and I greatly enjoyed it. The focus was on faith and on finding new investigators as that is something that our zone has been struggling with in particular. There was a very interesting and lengthy group discussion on faith which was neat. We did role plays afterwards of helping members do missionary work. We arrived early and I was able to meet several of the missionaries in the zone who I don't get to see all that often, which was fun.
I tried to eat the biggest calzone I've ever eaten on Wednesday. The C's took us out to meet with one of the recent converts, Sister S, as well as another less active member that they're working on. We all went to this nice pizza place right by the church. It was really good but I thought it needed more marinara sauce. I should have taken a picture. There we go (see drawing below). =) That morning we had received a referral from church headquarters and they were close by so we went and saw them. We went to the house and saw two people sitting on their porch talking. We were a little hesitant to walk up since we didn't know whether to knock on the door or to ring the doorbell. We walked up and the man said "We know who this is!" They told us to come to the door and invited us right in. Their nephew is on a mission in Oklahoma City and sent the referral. We sat down and they asked us to teach them. It went really well! They asked all sorts of questions and seemed very interested in the Book of Mormon. It was kinda funny as we were explaining prophets he asked, "Well, why haven't there been any prophets since Jesus Christ?" We smiled at each other and I said "We'll get to that." They (the S's) are quite nice and hopefully we'll be able to go back and share more. He's a robotics engineer which I think it super neat.
The majority of Thursday was spent planning and meeting with people. It was weekly planning and we were encouraged by the Zone Leaders to really go into it thoroughly. We did have dinner with the S's who are a wonderful younger couple. I really like them. They have a one year old little girl that is really cute as well.
Friday was anything too special. We did visit some people and got some things done. We did go to the beach by the dock and see the ocean. It was really pretty (see the second picture). The camera just didn't capture the moment correctly. There's more pictures but you could see the ferris wheel all lit up.
Saturday we helped the C's neighbor move. She's quite nice. Hopefully we can talk to her more about what we do and what we know. I also played some very competitive volleyball and actually did alright!
Sunday was the craziest of them all. There were two child of record baptisms that we stayed for after church. I was eating a cookie when someone came by and asked everyone to evacuate the building. I smelled a faint electrical burning smell but it was apparently much stronger in the chapel. We stood outside while it was starting to sprinkle and watched as fire truck after fire truck came on up. We had 4 engines and two support SUVs in the end. We went to the M's for the confirmation. One of the M's boys is headed into the MTC on Wednesday and he's just awesome. I think he'll do great things. It was cool to see that. We had dinner at the L's (a super nice family) and we gave a good lesson about missionary work and temples (the dad is not a member but comes every Sunday and thinks he might join one day).
That's my week! I'm out of time!
I love yall!
(The frog was in our apartment. It was so tiny! I shooed it out. The squirrel just stared at me with a pine cone in it's mouth.)
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Biggest Calzone Ever |
The Beach at Night |
A Tiny Frog |
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I see a squirrel lookin' at me |