This week has been good. It's been kind of crazy to think that I've already been in Mobile for 6 weeks! It's nuts. I still have Elder O and it's fun. I've been out for 5 months today! Pretty soon I'll be at 6. Then 12. Then 20. Then I'll be done. I'm going just one day at a time though.
People down here drive very fast and crazy. I have to always be on guard when driving. It's kind of tense. I do like the Ford Fusion though. It's a good car. It doesn't turn as sharp as the Corolla's but it does a good job at many other things. It's also is much nicer than the Corolla's.
We have been working and getting things done. Our numbers were a little down this week but I don't really feel too bad as we were still out working and doing things. General Conference ate into some of our time as well but it's not really an excuse.
Onto the three things. It was a Friday and we were inviting everyone to investigator volleyball. We tried to contact B but we didn't have his number. We got his number, called him, and invited him to volleyball. We talked to a lady who said she would give B the message. We then got a knock on the door from the UPS man who was dropping off a package of half delicious jellybeans (the other half are not so delicious). They were cool jellybeans and I was happy that Grandma and Grandpa had sent them (see picture #3). I was proceeding to unwrap said jellybeans when we received another knock on the door. It was the UPS guy again. He asked Elder O, who had answered the door previously, "Did you call my wife?". Elder O was really confused and said 'No. Not that I know of." He looked at Elder O and said "Your name is Elder O right?" Elder O nodded his head. "Well, some guy named Elder O just invited my wife to volleyball." It turned out the UPS guy's name was B and we had dialed the wrong number. It was crazy.
I was really happy to receive the other package of a really cool journal. I love it! (see picture #4) It's really cool and it came just in time.
As promised, I have more pictures this week.
The first picture (picture #1) is of our district. From left to right it is: Elder L, Elder W, me, Elder O, Elder H, and Elder N. I'm not sure what was with the sheep and flowers theme but it was fun. We took a couple pictures and they are all pretty goofy.
The next picture for your viewing pleasure (see picture #2) is of Elder O giving a massive strangle hug to both Elder W and Elder N. They had come over for lunch after district meeting before heading up to Saraland and a hug fight broke out. No one was hurt except for me because I was laughing so hard.
After one session of General Conference, we were walking out of the stake center to go visit some people when all the sudden Elder O shouted "LIZARD FRIEND!" He jumped down on the ground and attempted to scoop up a lizard. Elder W joined in and soon they had captured the lizard friend (see picture #5). After enjoying his company for a minute or two and naming it. Elder O let it go and it scurried off into the bushes. I don't remember what we named him and neither does Elder O so I'm just going to say we named it Larry.
It's been a fun week and I'm doing well. I love and miss you all and I really appreciate the letters and love I have gotten this week.
Elder Matthew Carlson
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