Maher-shalal-hash-baz meaning in Hebrew, "To speed to the spoil, he hasteneth the prey".
Hello everyone!
Things have been very good here in Warner Robins. We've been very busy and the days have flown by. It's been crazy.
I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever catch up email-wise. In short, it's been amazing. My testimony has grown much and I feel like I've grown as a person. So it's been wonderful.
To bring you up to speed on Warner Robins and my companion- I'll focus on the basics.
Warner Robins is a military town and has a large air force base that most people work at or for. It's pretty nice but it's different as most people are very western. They're usually very open to talking to us which is nice. The ward is really good and they really support us. There is some great people here. =) I am trying to keep the fact I am leaving soon less known so pretty much the only people that know are the Spanish elders and a less active member named J (cool guy; I'm pretty convinced he can make almost anything).
Elder P is a good guy. He's only 18 as he left on his mission right after high school. It's kind of odd being almost 3 years older than him. Because at the same time we get along just fine and we're partners and equals and it feels that way.
The Spanish Elders are very fun and we work with them quite frequently. We spend much time with them. Sometimes we have dinner with them if we don't have a dinner appointment.
We've had some funny times and it's been a great experience.
We work with a few people but we need to meet with them more as they've been difficult to catch.
Really the top ones are:
K: A very nice young man who really looks on life with a negative outlook. He likes church but he works a lot and he really likes us. We're focusing on teaching him how to find happiness through the Gospel and really reading for himself.
V: is a nice guy who has many, many questions. He is a Jehovah's Witness who likes to look into everything. We're focusing on helping him realize he needs to go to God for his answers and really pray to know instead of going to the internet.
A and D: a nice family but they work a lot and they're hard to catch. We've been working on helping them have a family home evening with one of the ward members.
We've contacted many people and have found many promising potential investigators. So I'll let you know how it goes. We've also really been making some headway with some less active families. Particularly C. She's a very nice lady who joined a few years ago and her husband (who is currently deployed) is not a member. She's been coming back to church with her 3 kids which makes it very difficult for her since she's all by herself. She is really starting to understand the Book of Mormon and we've been explaining and reading it with her. It was really cool to see her get it. =)
Highlights of the week:
Zone Training was pretty cool. We drove to Macon and enjoyed lessons about teaching by the Spirit, goals and actuals, and building relationships with ward members and leaders.
The first one is our apartment
The second one was dinner with the Spanish Elders
1 Timothy 1:5 and Mosiah 2:4
The goal of all the commandments are charity. Obedience really is love in every sense of the word. It's to put our needs or our will aside in favor of someone else's.
Elder Matthew Carlson