Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Skype

We were able to video Skype with Matthew this morning. It was wonderful to see his smiling face and hear his laugh. It seems like he's doing very well and enjoying his service. He really likes the members of the Church in Alma. He had a great Christmas and enjoyed his gifts. Elder H's mom made him a stocking which was very nice. He said they had more than one invitation for Christmas dinner so we're interested to hear how that went. He told us that riding bikes in Alma is a bit of a challenge because there are no bike lanes and they live a mile or so out of town. He also told us that they live in one of the nicest apartments in the whole mission so he will almost certainly have some interesting experiences when he is transferred. Our time on Skype went all too quickly and we had to say goodbye.

Matthew had been joking before he left that we ought to make a cardboard version of him as a stand-in for while he was gone. So we did make a cardboard Matthew (picture below with the other kids and Scooter) before Christmas. I think it turned out quite nice and we had a lot of fun before and during Christmas with cardboard Matthew.

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